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Thriving Over Surviving Multiple Sclerosis

Aug 26, 2021

Dr. Gretchen Part 3: When you have Multiple Sclerosis, balance takes on so many more meanings. Dr. Gretchen Hawley explores how making a few small adjustments may make a big difference with balance & alignment.

Instagram: @doctor.gretchen

Instagram: @thrivingoversurvivingpodcast

Aug 24, 2021

Ashley Ratcliff, the author of Jesus Year, shares her journey as a newly diagnosed MS patient. This compelling story chronicles the ups and downs of Ashley's first year as an autoimmune warrior & how she leaned on God to get her through.


Instagram: @ashleyadores


Aug 19, 2021

For people with Multiple Sclerosis getting tired is no joke. It is not the regular type of tiredness that most people feel. I am talking complete exhaustion without cause. MS warriors call this fatigue. In this companion episode, Dr. Gretchen Hawley shares with us some information and tips on how to battle...

Aug 17, 2021

Angie Gensler has battled through so much in her life, but her warrior tendencies always shine through. This Multiple Sclerosis thriver shares her story of how she has overcome obstacles to be the healthy and inspirational person she is today.

Instagram: @angie_msstrength


Aug 12, 2021

Do you ever get super dizzy? Does it last for days on end? In this  episode Multiple Sclerosis Physical Therapist Dr. Gretchen Hawley shares with us some tips to overcome bouts of vertigo.

Instagram: @doctor.gretchen

Instagram: @thrivingoversurvivingpodcast